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Is Salami good for Weight Loss? Calories, Nutritional Values, and Recipes
Salami is a typical Italian product, and each region has its specialty, for example, the Milano, Varzi, Piacentino, Mantuan varieties, and many others. Given its delicious taste, it is...

What is Provola: Difference between Provolone and Provola
Provolone and provola are two stretched curd kinds of cheese that are part of Italian gastronomy and are appreciated for their irresistible taste. They are available not only at the...

What is Taleggio Cheese? Origin, Nutritional Values and Recipes
A dairy product representing an absolute Lombard gastronomic excellence, taleggio is a raw cow's milk cheese with a washed rind. It features a soft internal consistency that heralds the...

How is Grana Padano Cheese made: Origin, Nutritional Values and Recipes
The birth of cheese is lost in the mists of time: it seems that the art of cheese was born with the Tartars and Persians and then spread among other civilizations. Famous is the "Frieze of...

How long does lard last? The best storage methods
Lard is a butchery mixture made out of the mechanization of fat pork, from which they extract the fat deposit underneath the skin of the glutei, lower back, and retro-occipital. The latter...

Can you eat Emmental Cheese while you are pregnant?
I have good news for all the cheese-loving women expecting: you are free to enjoy the Emmental cheese while you are pregnant since the milk used for its production is subject to...