Home / Recipes /Ravioli stuffed with cappello del prete, sauté with butter and sage


Ravioli stuffed with cappello del prete, sauté with butter and sage

Preparation time: 40 min


People 4


Preparation time: 40 min

People 4


On a wooden surface form a small crater with the flour and in the center add the eggs.

Mix with a fork and when the mixture is thicker, knead vigorously to obtain a smooth and soft dough.

Wrap the dough in the film and let the mixture rest at room temperature for at least 30 minutes.

Cook the Cappello del prete. After the rest period roll out the dough and make long strips of about 5/6 cm in width.

Create balls with the Cappello del prete and place them at equal distance on the strips of fresh pasta.

Dial and close the ravioli by joining a second strip of dough over the filling.

Cook in boiling salted water. Sage the sage. Once cooked, pass the ravioli in a pan with 2 nuts of butter and sage.


  • 200g 0 flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cappello del prete
  • Butter
  • Sage
  • Pepper
  • Sliced fontina cheese
  • 200g oven cooked coppa

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