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Home / Recipes /Bresaola roses with rocket salad and lemon


Bresaola roses with rocket salad and lemon

Preparation time: 10 min


People 4


Preparation time: 10 min

People 4


For the bresaola roses

Place the slices of bresaola on a cutting board, fold them in half and roll them in order to form ‘little roses’.

Place them on a serving plate.

To finish

Cut the lemon in thin slices, and cut the slices in small triangles.

Place the lemon triangles with some arugola on the place, to decorate.

Spring with poppy seeds, and add some oil to taste before serving.


  • 12 bresaola slices
    To finish
  • 50 g rocket salad
  • 1 lemon
  • Poppy seeds
  • Extra virgin olive oil

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