Home / Recipes /Zampone pop corn with tomato chutney


Zampone pop corn with tomato chutney

Preparation time: 40 min


People 4


Preparation time: 40 min

People 4


Cook the zampone putting it in cold water, lighting on low heat and leaving it for 2 hours.

Let it cool and break irregular pieces with the hands.

Pass each piece in the beaten egg, pass some in the polenta flour and the others in the 00 flour.

Fry in seeds oil. For the chutney peel the apple, cut it into pieces, cut the tomato and chop the onion.

Combine all the mixture in a pan with 4 sugar spoons, salt and chilli.

Cook until it becomes a mush.

Cool down. Serve cold with hot pop corn.


  • 1 zampone
  • Polenta flour for breading
  • Flour to bread
  • 3 eggs
  • Seeds oil to fry
  • Tomato
  • 1 onion
  • 1 apple
  • 4 sugar spoons
  • Salt
  • Chili pepper
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