To pursue the satisfaction of its customers by ensuring the quality, safety and legality of the service and products offered, the Management of Salumificio SMAPP SPA believes it is important to establish and maintain a Quality System compliant with the UNI EN ISO 9001/2015 Standard, that contributes to:

  1. the improvement of business management in all its processes, with a view more oriented towards the market and the final consumer that we aim to satisfy with our products, working on the implicit and explicit needs expressed;
  2. attention to the health of the consumer, with the refusal of GMOs and the careful selection of ingredients for the production of allergen-free foods;
  3. the achievement of customer satisfaction by maintaining high quality and organoleptic standards of the product, ensuring hygienic-sanitary safety parameters and guaranteeing service in terms of delivery and flexibility of response to specific customer needs;
  4. the selection and constant qualification of suppliers;
  5. the rationalization of the production activity, the timely management of the problems that emerge and improvement through the definition of clear product and process standards;
  6. the adoption of measures to reduce the risks associated with the company’s activities, to prevent accidents and / or potential accidental events and / or emergencies, to save energy; the reduction of the environmental impact of the managed activities;
  7. respect for ethical principles, through a daily work consistent with the principles of honesty, fairness and respect, which are the guiding values of those who work and collaborate with our company;
  8. the increase in staff awareness, participation and motivation, also through the communication of company objectives and the results achieved; the establishment of an incentive system and a greater level of safety in the work environment;
  9. the use of the ISO 9001:2015 certification of the Quality System for the continuous improvement of the entire process;
  10. the commitment to meet the applicable requirements of the reference Standard, the customer and the mandatory requirements.

The Management undertakes to:

  • constantly check that the Policy set out is widespread at all levels, by the interested parties (employees, agents, suppliers, customers) supported by the Managers and correctly implemented;
  • define, during the Management review, the quality objectives consistent with this Policy and the specific indicators which, by allowing monitoring, generate “Improvement Plans” with a view to continuous improvement and assessment of the effectiveness of the Quality System;
  • verify over time the adequacy of this Quality Policy to company and market needs and, if necessary, prepare the necessary changes in relation to the context analysis.