Home / Recipes /Pizza margherita with Cooked Ham


Pizza margherita with Cooked Ham

Preparation time: 30 min


People 4


Preparation time: 30 min

People 4


To prepare the pizza base start by dissolving the yeast in a little warm water.

Put the flour in a bowl (or, if you prefer, on a surface) and create a hole in the center of the flour to accommodate the water with the melted yeast.

Start mixing the ingredients with your hands and slowly add the rest of the water.

Towards the middle of the process add a tablespoon of salt and sugar and two tablespoons of oil.

Continue to mix well and vigorously until a sticky dough is obtained.

Cover the dough with film or a clean towel and leave to rise for 3 to 8 hours.

After the rising time, grease a baking tray and stand with your hands half of the dough to make your first pizza (repeat the below to make the second pizza).

Prepare the tomato sauce in a bowl a pinch of salt and a drizzle of oil.

At this point, season the pizza with the tomato sauce and bake it in a preheated static oven. Bake at 220 degrees for 10 minutes.

Take the pizza out of the oven and season it with the mozzarella cut into thin strips and the cooked ham.

Bake again and cook for another 20 minutes or so (the cooking time varies from oven to oven so check the pizza).

Let it cool before cutting the pizza.


  • 500g flour
  • 400ml water
  • 12g fresh brewer's yeast
  • 200g tomato sauce
  • 2 extra virgin olive oil spoons
  • 2 mozzarella
  • 100g cooked ham
  • Salt
  • Origan
  • 1 sugar spoon
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