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Is Salami good for Weight Loss? Calories, Nutritional Values, and Recipes

Salami is a typical Italian product, and each region has its specialty, for example, the Milano, Varzi, Piacentino, Mantuan varieties, and many others.

Given its delicious taste, it is really hard to resist when you see it on the charcuterie counter or when you are offered.

Furthermore, combined with other cured meats and cheeses, the aforementioned has become one of the most popular cold appetizers.

However, we must always keep in mind that salami must be consumed sparingly.

Especially if you have to follow a weight loss diet or if you are suffering from diseases such as cholesterol and water retention, as it is one of the most caloric, salty, and fatty cured meats ever.

But must it be compulsorily banned from low-calorie diets, or is it possible to make an exception from time to time?

Let’s find out together in this guide.

Does salami make you lose weight?

This question does not make much sense since, if the quantities of the salami are dosed adequately, it is possible to introduce it into any diet, as long as you do not suffer from particular diseases that preclude its consumption.

Weight gain is linked to a series of factors, starting with the imbalance of calories ingested and consumed.

The weight scale will inexorably show higher values if the former exceeds the latter.

It should also be borne in mind that, compared to past times, the feeding and breeding of pigs have improved significantly to make their meat richer in proteins, minerals, and vitamins, including B12, which is essential for the human organism to avoid anemia and nervous system disorders.

Speaking instead of minerals, salami is an excellent supplier of highly assimilable iron and zinc.

A portion of salami can provide about one-fifth of the recommended daily dose.

As for the downsides, this food contains a high percentage of saturated fat and sodium, as well as the number one enemies of the liver, heart, and body, which struggle to dispose of excess fluids due to the large water retention.

Finally, when it is eaten, it is impossible to get rid of the fat in the meat because it is not detached as in other cured meats such as prosciutto cotto and crudo.

Salami ingredients and nutritional values

One hundred grams of salami have a caloric intake of about 400 calories, of which:

  • carbohydrates: 1.2 grams;
  • proteins: 21.7 grams;
  • sugars: 1.2 grams;
  • cholesterol: 80 mg;
  • fat: 37 grams, of which 13.1 grams saturated, 3.6 grams polyunsaturated, and 18.2 grams monounsaturated.

As for the ingredients, they are:

  • pork,
  • sucrose,
  • salt,
  • plant,
  • aromatic spices.

Packaged versions may also contain sodium nitrites and potassium nitrate, which act as preservatives.

The external protective coating is never edible (except for the Borsotto, a completely edible cooked salami) and can be made either in natural casing or synthetic materials.

How to eat salami on a weight loss diet

Although salami is not the most suitable food to bring to the table when you have to follow a slimming diet, it is nevertheless possible to indulge in a few slices from time to time, as long as the following precautions are taken:

  • Consume it after a slightly more intense workout than usual to be able to burn excess calories without any problem.
  • It can also become a delicious reward after a strenuous hike in the mountains;
  • Make it a second dish to alternate with legumes, fish, eggs, and meat. In this case, it is recommended to eat half a portion, as it contains all the caloric intake necessary to face a day;
  • Choose a salami as lean as possible and avoid combinations with cheeses and sauces;
  • Combine salami with fruit to limit water retention and benefit from a pleasant thirst-quenching effect;
  • Drink large doses of water to facilitate the expulsion of liquids.

Recipes with salami

In this paragraph, three salami-based recipes will be proposed, thanks to which it will be possible to taste it in a different version than the traditional combination with bread and other baked products.

Macaroni omelet with salami

The macaroni omelet with salami is an irresistible single dish, excellent both hot and cold, and therefore perfect for consuming during a trip out of town.

Ingredients for six people:

  • half a kilo of penne or other short pasta to taste
  • one hundred grams of diced salami
  • 200 ml of tomato sauce
  • seven eggs
  • 200 grams of soft stretched curd cheese (for example, provola or scamorza)
  • 25 grams of grated Parmigiano Reggiano
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt and pepper


  1. Cook the tomato puree with a drizzle of oil and a pinch of salt for about ten minutes;
  2. Cook the pasta in abundant salted water and drain it al dente;
  3. Transfer the pasta to a bowl, pour in the sauce, and mix;
  4. In a separate bowl, mix the eggs with the Parmesan;
  5. Add the salami, a pinch of salt, and the soft cheese cut into cubes to the beaten egg;
  6. Mix the pasta with the mixture of eggs and salami to create a homogeneous mixture;
  7. Heat a drizzle of oil in a large pan, pour in the pasta mix, cover the pan with a lid and cook for about ten minutes;
  8. Turn the omelet and cook on the opposite side as well;
  9. Slide the omelet onto a tray and serve it hot, lukewarm, or cold.

Fried pizza with salami and ricotta

Fried pizza is a tasty dish worth it to make an exception for.

Making the pasta will require some patience, but the result will amply pay off for the effort.

Ingredients for ten pieces:

  • half a kilo of 00 flour
  • six grams of brewer’s yeast
  • 300 grams of water at room temperature
  • a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • a level spoonful of salt
  • 150 grams of diced mozzarella
  • 250 grams of cottage cheese
  • thirty grams of grated Parmigiano Reggiano
  • one hundred grams of diced salami
  • Seed oil to fry
  • Salt and Pepper To Taste


  1. Start preparing the pizza dough by making a fountain with the flour;
  2. Pour the water at room temperature and the crumbled brewer’s yeast into the center of the fountain;
  3. Begin to work the dough, to which the salt and oil will then be added;
  4. Work the mixture until you get a homogeneous and smooth paste;
  5. Transfer the dough to a lightly oiled bowl, cut the surface crosswise with a knife, cover with a clean cloth and let it rise in a warm place for a couple of hours. It must double in volume;
  6. While the dough rises, prepare the fried pizza filling by mixing the ricotta softened with a fork, the salami, the mozzarella, a pinch of salt and pepper, and the grated cheese in a bowl. Keep aside;
  7. After rising, divide the pizza dough into ten equal parts and roll them out with the help of a rolling pin;
  8. Spread a few spoonfuls of filling on half the pastry, close to forming a half-moon, and carefully seal the edges with a fork to avoid spilling when frying;
  9. Cover the pizzas with a cloth and let them rise again for half an hour;
  10. Fry the pizzas in abundant seed oil for two minutes per side until golden brown, drain on a sheet of absorbent paper and serve immediately.

Pie of bread and salami

For those who can’t give up the bread and salami combo, here is an original reinterpretation: a pie to be eaten hot or cold.

It is also a great way to recycle leftovers in a tasty way.

Ingredients for six / eight people:

  • three ounces of stale bread
  • 70 grams of scamorza or other soft stretched curd cheese cut into cubes
  • 70 grams of salami cut into cubes
  • a diced tomato
  • thirty grams of grated Parmigiano Reggiano
  • a handful of pitted green olives
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and Pepper To Taste


  1. Take the dry bread and let it soften in a bowl filled with warm water;
  2. Squeeze the bread carefully and transfer it into a bowl;
  3. Add the salami, olives, diced tomato, and Parmesan plus a pinch of salt and pepper;
  4. Mix the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture;
  5. Line the bottom of a pan with a diameter of 24 centimeters with a sheet of wet and wrung-out parchment paper;
  6. Place the bread mixture in the pan and cook in a preheated oven at 180 ° for about twenty minutes;
  7. Remove from the oven, allow to cool completely, unmold and serve hot or cold.

Conclusions about salami: let’s not demonize it

Salami, like any other food, must not be demonized and seen as the main cause of weight gain.

If you pay more attention, many other foods consumed regularly during a low-calorie diet are also rich in fat, like extra virgin olive oil, dried fruit, or avocado. Still, they are not abolished for this reason.

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